


目前就讀於國立臺北藝術大學管絃與擊樂研究所主修打擊樂 師事吳思珊老師,曾師事孫名箴老師、林希哲老師、林靜怡老師。









From Hualien and has been learning piano since childhood. Began playing percussion in the third grade of elementary school and has actively participated in various school band competitions and performances since then.

He is currently a first-year graduate student at the National Taipei University of Arts, studying in the Orchestral and Percussion Music Program under Professor Si-Shan Wu. Recently, he has started exploring different musical styles and performance formats, including sound interdisciplinary works, contemporary music, and jazz.

During his academic years, Chen received guidance from prominent figures such as French marimba master Eric Sammut, Adélaïde Ferrière, NSO principal timpani Sebastian Efler, NTSO principal timpani David Burns, percussionist Ai-Si Qiu who studied in France, and Ming-Yu Weng.

In 2013, he was accepted into the Phonon Music Ensemble Chamber Orchestra as a formal member, participating in many annual productions.

Chen graduated from Hualien High School’s music class in 2019, majoring in percussion under teacher Mr. Xi-Zhe Lin, and participated in various school band competitions and performances. He graduated from Tunghai University’s Department of Music in 2023, where he majored in percussion under Professor Ming- Zhen Sun and participated in multiple performances and individual music competitions at venues like the Kaohsiung Wei- Wu-Ying, Taichung Opera House, and the National Concert Hall in Taipei.

In 2014, 2016, and 2018, he won first place in the Hualien County Marimba Solo Competition In 2020, he received first place in the Taichung City College Marimba Solo Competition.  In 2022, he won special first place with distinction in the same competition.

Starting in 2022, he participated in the MIVENUE.com New Star Development Project’s online concert recordings.

In 2023, Chen was accepted into the NTSO National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra Youth Symphony Orchestra, the Taiwan Wind Ensemble, the Master's program at the National Taipei University of Arts and master’s class of Tunghai University’s Department of music,where he ranked first in his class.

He joined the cross.song Percussion Group in 2023, and was invited by the Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau to perform in a collaborative show with Korean Drum Cat, Phonon Music Ensemble and the Spanish Aerial Theatre. He continues to diligently pursue his studies in percussion.

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