Arianna Bendit
愛莉安娜・班迪特(Arianna Bendit),目前是美國紐約州立大學石溪分校(Stony Brook University)長笛的博士生,師事世界著名的卡蘿・溫仙絲(Carol Wincenc)教授,她也曾師事Phyllis、Randy Hester、Nina Assimakopoulos以及Katherine Borst Jones。她於2020年獲得西弗吉尼亞大學(West Virgina University)長笛演奏學士學位;並於2022年獲得俄亥俄州立大學(The Ohio State University)同樣專業的碩士學位。在高中時期,她於哥倫布 (Columbus)Cadet樂團及哥倫布交響青年樂團擔任長笛樂手,同時贏得了中俄長笛協會(Central Ohio Flute Association)高年級組的第一名,她目前也是俄亥俄州立大學交響樂團和管樂團的成員。
她一直以來都很享受國內外演出的機會,她曾兩次在美國卡內基音樂廳(Carnegie Hall)的學校樂團音樂會上演奏,並且參與美國中大西洋長笛大會演出活動,以及在西弗吉尼亞大學長笛合奏團ELEV-8的一員,參加了美國全國長笛協會(National Flute Associaiton)、美國中大西洋長笛協會(MidAtlantic Flute Associaiton)和紐約長笛博覽會。2022年,她也受邀擔任了俄亥俄州立大學社區樂團(OSU Community Orchestra)的特邀協奏曲獨奏家,也曾以獨奏家的身份於奧地利演出。
Arianna Bendit is currently a doctoral student in flute performance at Stony Brook University, New York, studying under the renowned Professor Carol Wincenc. She has also studied with Phyllis, Randy Hester, Nina Assimakopoulos, and Katherine Borst Jones. In 2020, she earned her Bachelor of Music in Flute Performance from West Virginia University, followed by a Master of Music in the same field from The Ohio State University in 2022. During high school, she played the flute in the Columbus Cadet Band and the Columbus Symphony Youth Orchestra, winning first place in the senior division of the Central Ohio Flute Association competition. She is currently a member of both the symphony orchestra and the wind band at The Ohio State University.
Arianna has always enjoyed opportunities to perform both domestically and internationally. She has performed twice at Carnegie Hall in school orchestra concerts and has participated in the MidAtlantic Flute Convention. As a member of the West Virginia University flute ensemble ELEV-8, she has performed at the National Flute Association, the MidAtlantic Flute Association, and the New York Flute Fair. In 2022, she was invited to be a featured concerto soloist with the OSU Community Orchestra and has also performed as a soloist in Austria.
In addition to music, Arianna has been passionate about visual arts since childhood. Although she has not received formal training in painting, she has been invited to participate in various visual arts events and stage design projects. She also maintains an art account on social media, where she shares her artwork. Arianna hopes to further develop her painting skills and create more collections, contributing to the appreciation of the arts among American youth.